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A3GEO is now DBE certified!
March 13, 2019
A3GEO is now DBE certified under the U.S. DOT Regulation 49 CFR Part 26. We're looking forward to helping our clients meet their DBE goals!

Upper San Leandro Reservoir Tower Retrofit
April 13, 2018
Upper San Leandro reservoir tower retrofit is coming to a close... Robert Speidel has dedicated the last year to this project and its successful completion! Thanks to Kleinfelder and EBMUD for this exciting opportunity.

National Women's History Month
March 29, 2018
In honor of National Women's History Month, A3GEO would like to recognize Emily Warren Roebling, the "woman who saved the Brooklyn Bridge." Emily Roebling was the first female Field Engineer and supervised the bridge's construction for over ten years until its completion in 1883.

Foundation Retrofit in Downtown Oakland
March 22, 2018
Foundation retrofit complete at eight-story hotel in downtown Oakland. Twenty-eight micropiles installed to resist overturning.

Marin County Flood Control
March 08, 2018
A3GEO is excited to start our recently awarded Corte Madera Creek Levee Evaluation Project with Marin County Flood Control District!

Upper San Leandro Reservoir
July 26, 2017
Seismic retrofit of Upper San Leandro Reservoir outlet tower has begun.

Investigation for Mokelumne Aqueducts
November 22, 2016
Successful trip to Woodward Island with a 30-ton CPT rig! Thanks AECOM and EBMUD for the opportunity!

Lake Chabot Dam
November 18, 2016
Lake Chabot Dam deep soil mixing and seepage trench installation.

EBMUD Mokelumne Aqueducts
August 05, 2016
Subsurface investigations have begun for the Phase 1 Geotechnical Exploration Program.
April 29, 2016
A3GEO's Jacobs Hall project is considered a top example for projects that enhance the environment.
STREAM Innovation Center
Speed video showing construction of the STREAM center, an A3GEO project at De La Salle Highschool.
270 Brannan Construction
Computer simulation of construction sequencing at 270 Brannan Street in San Francisco, an A3GEO project utilizing cement deep soil mixing.