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Marsh Creek - City of Oakley

  • S

  • Marsh Creek Floodplain Restoration Project

  • Project Manager of geotechnical engineering services in support of the Marsh Creek Restoration project for the City of Oakley. Improvements include creating about 900 feet of widened floodplain along Marsh Creek and constructing a new pedestrian bridge across the existing creek channel. The new floodplain was by creating excavating a 15- to 60-foot-wide bench into the left creek bank about 10 feet above the creek channel bottom, which involved excavation cuts up to about 13 feet high with 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) side slopes. The new bridge is supported on abutments founded on deep foundations.  The geotechnical investigation found potentially liquefiable soils consisting of fine silty sand in borings and liquefaction and lateral spreading hazards were a design consideration for the project. The geotechnical scope focused upon characterizing the geotechnical properties of materials to be excavated, evaluating the static and dynamic stability of proposed soil slopes, conducting engineering analyses to evaluate liquefaction susceptibility and lateral spread potential and the related effects; and developing engineering design criteria for the pedestrian bridge overcrossing and abutments. Prepared the design geotechnical report for the project.

  • Oakley, California

A3GEO, Inc.  
821 Bancroft Way,  Berkeley, CA 94710 

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